"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
   Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

Friday, November 20, 2015

Celebrating 8 weeks... with SNOW!

Luella has made it EIGHT WEEKS (57 days!!) SEIZURE FREE!! This is HUGE!! Let me give you some stats.... We have to go back over THREE and a HALF years before we find a seizure free stretch that was longer. She has only had two stretches that were longer - one was 90 days and the other was 74 days... and those were times when Luella was taking high doses of her meds and was basically not Luella. I don't even know if I would count those times as successes. Seeing her like she is today.... Living life and enjoying every day is such a gift from God! To have 57 days uninterrupted by a seizure is amazing. We thank you all for your continued prayers, helping Luella to get to this milestone!

We got to celebrate today with SNOW!! Our first snow of the year started this morning and by the time school got done it was time to start shoveling! All the kids had fun "helping" me clear the driveway. Luella LOVES the snow. Three and a half years ago when Luella was in the midst of that longer stretch we took her outside to play in the snow and she just stood there. She wasn't playing or doing any of the things she should have been doing. It was a blessing to see her having so much fun outside today. I was getting SO cold so after an hour I bribed her in with some hot chocolate!!

We will continue to pray for more and more days / weeks / months to add to this seizure free run and ultimately we would love to have a cure for Luella. November is Epilepsy Awareness month so keep on helping us fight for that cure!! Wear your purple! And share a picture. :-)

1 comment:

  1. So awesome Heather! That is such great news! And so fun to see her out loving the snow :) Praying for many more weeks seizure free.
    (And thanks again for sending the cooling vest!)
