"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
   Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

Friday, May 20, 2016

Blessings! (warning... you may shed a tear!)

We are just amazed at what God is doing in Luella's life! We are SO blessed. Can you believe Luella is currently 76 days seizure-free?? This is her 2nd longest run EVER!! We are closing in on 11 weeks without a seizure!! How are we doing this...? Faith and prayer! God is giving Luella the opportunity to do SO many things. I have to admit we've been nervous about letting her do some of the things she's gotten to do these last 10 weeks... things like going to swimming birthday parties, another party at a big trampoline park and jumping for ONE HOUR, getting her ears pierced - YES! Her ears pierced!! She didn't even cry!! Playing at a children's museum for several hours. She's upgraded her very small 12" bicycle with a bigger 18" bike and is still doing great without training wheels! She completed the Cardinal Dash run at school and had a full afternoon of Kindergarten track and field. She went on a class field trip to city park where she got to play for 3 hours!! She also managed to stay healthy during 2 bouts of strep throat at our house!! Each one of these events may have caused me to hold my breath for a second but I exhale and pray. Pray for protection. Pray for no seizures. God is good and has answered our prayers in the most amazing way.

So far this year - since January 1st - Luella has only had THREE seizures!! Thank you all for continuing to keep Luella in your prayers! I couldn't even get through writing this post without crying some tears of joy... especially after looking at all the pictures of the fun Luella has enjoyed these last 10 weeks. These are all pure blessings!! I'll leave you with a few pictures of some of the precious moments Luella has had these last 10 weeks.... Enjoy them as I have and see a little girl that getting to live the most amazing life!

She got her ears pierced!

Butterfly earrings!

Jumping at SkyZone with a friend!

LOTS of jumping!

Flying a KITE!

Children's Museum Fun

Cashier Luella

In the clouds with Burke.

Ball toss at track and field day.

She can hurdle!!

And long jump!

Holding a baby chick.

New bike!!

One happy, and blessed, little girl!! 


  1. This is so wonderful Heather!!!
    I love all these pictures...especially flying the kite and track and field ones.
    What a joy!

  2. God has indeed blessed you and Luella beyound words. What a marvelous wonderful God he truly is. Marking each accomplishment brings joy to my heart I can't imagine what it does for your family. Continual prayers always and forever for such a special child of Jesus. Love Joyce.
