"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
   Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

Friday, August 29, 2014

A Seizure at School

Luella closed out her first week of school with a seizure at school today. I knew the day would come eventually ... and today was the day.

Luella has been anxiously waiting to play on the playground at school. On Wednesday some kids were playing there but Luella got to ride tricycle instead. She really wanted to go on the "twirly slide" though! :-) This morning when Luella woke up she kept asking if she would get to play on the playground today. I told her I wasn't sure. It had rained yesterday and things were still a little wet. I didn't want to get her hopes up.

I dropped her off at school and right away she was asking about the playground again! We said our goodbyes and she was off. I was home busy doing some things and just about ready to head out to pick Luella up when my cell phone rang. It was Jessica - Luella's para. "Luella is having a seizure. It just started. We are on the playground." Oh man!! The playground?! Why can't this little girl do the things that a little girl should be able to do without having a seizure?! My heart is racing. I'm out the door immediately. I called Jim on my way and he is on his way too.

By the time I arrived they had given Luella the first dose of midazolam and the seizure had just stopped. She had a crew of people around her and they were all doing exactly what they should! This was the very first seizure that someone other than Jim or myself has dealt with! I've told everyone at school that really I feel like I should be more nervous leaving her there but I'm not. I know she is in good hands and the seizure today proved it! Jessica saw the seizure immediately and even though Luella was on a sidewalk she got her down safely and did everything perfectly! We are so grateful for the loving, caring people that are there to watch Luella!

Last night when Luella had a very difficult time getting to sleep, she was whining and fusing. Jim went in and reminded her that she had school in the morning and she needed to be getting to sleep. She brightened right up and talked about how she was going to play on the playground, go down the twirly slide and she said Jessica would be there and "Jessica loves me".

Luella is still resting at home and no doubt will be awake soon telling me all about the fun she had on the twirly slide today! At least the seizure was at the end of her playtime so she will have those memories!

Recovering after her seizure at school today with Sophie keeping her cozy.

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