We've had a few short-lived colds here this week... Ashlyn, then Ryker, and yesterday Luella woke up feeling stuffy. By late afternoon she was tired and just not feeling well. I took her temp... 101.4. I gave her ibuprofen right away and when getting ready for bed it was down to 100.0. She had acetaminophen at bedtime and we hoped that would get her through the night. Luella was concerned at bedtime that she might have a seizure. I told her she might but she would be okay. She prayed that God would keep the seizure away but our desires don't always match up with God's plans. Within about 10 minutes of falling asleep her pulse-ox alarmed and I could hear the labored breathing starting over her video monitor. Jim was already upstairs and I rushed up. The seizure wasn't stopping and her oxygen levels were very low. I had to give her a dose of her rescue medication... something I haven't had to do since September 2, 2016!!! The seizure stopped and she slept through the night.
This morning she slept until almost 9:00. She didn't have a fever and has been feeling pretty good... runny nose and sneezing this morning but hopefully the fevers are gone and we won't be dealing with anymore seizures.
180 days without a seizure is so amazing! Luella has been able to do SO many things! ...things that she used to NOT be able to do. Just a few years ago we could not go to a pool without Luella having a seizure. Swimming was just something that she couldn't do. Now she is doing this...
She just finished up 2 weeks of swimming lessons and was SO excited to pass Level 2!! She is doing so amazing!
She is also doing t-ball this summer and is enjoying that as well! She is learning a lot and improving everyday! Only one more day of t-ball left! Even though she got assigned to the "green" team, she accessorizes her look with purple of course!!
On Thursday night the girls and I stopped at a little clothing boutique downtown. I spotted this necklace and told Luella we had to get that... as a reminder that we need to take "one day at a time". She loves wearing it and it reminds us to enjoy and be grateful for every day we get ... t-ball days, swimming days, lazy days at home... and even a day that ends with a seizure.
Thanks for all your love and support.