Luella's latest seizure-free stretch ended on Friday evening at 25 days. (Luella had 2 seizures at the beginning of January with an illness.) We decided to take the kids swimming at our local indoor aquatics center. We haven't been swimming there for a LONG time. Luella tends to have seizures there but last summer was able to take in almost 2 weeks of swimming lessons after getting through a couple of seizures on the first days. We were hopeful that the new med we started in September (Diamox) would offer her some more protection when doing activities like this. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. We got in the pool and she was SO excited! She absolutely LOVES to swim and be in the water. She wanted to go down the little frog slide and after about 5 minutes in the water she went down the slide and came up seizing. :-( So scary to have a seizure in the water but that's why we never leave her side. Thankfully the seizure stopped after just a minute. Usually she sleeps but I think the excitement of being at the pool and just wanting to swim kept her awake but very sad. She cried for about a half an hour. I thought about taking her home but we decided to stay and see if she could get back in the water. I tried holding her in the baby pool but she still just cried and wanted the big pool. We went in the big pool and she was still very sad and wasn't able to do anything yet. It was so sweet the number of kids that came up to offer their pool toys to Luella to try and make her feel better! After a break was called we sat out for a few minutes and she started perking up more. By the time break was over she was happier and ready to get in again. Before long she was "swimming" again like nothing happened. It was so great to see her having fun again. I hate to see her fun interrupted but we are so fortunate that she can bounce back so quickly.
I'll leave you with a recent picture of our little Luella who is getting to be so grown up!